Saturday, June 25, 2016

Spaghetti Towers

Students designed a tower using only spaghetti sticks, 1m tape and 1m string. The tower needed to support the weight of one marshmallow. The tallest tower that could withstand the mass was declared the winner.... Here are all the groups in the planning stage.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Design Challenge 1: Stacking Cups, no hands!!

Yesterday, students were challenged to stack cups without using their hands. They could only use string and one elastic band. After testing and redesigning, we raced to see who could complete the task the fastest. Watch and enjoy!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Track Day

Track Day is scheduled for tomorrow....the rain date is Wednesday. Remember to bring a labelled water bottle, nutritious snacks, wear sunscreen, a hat, and running shoes, not sandals or flip flops.