Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2D Geometry

We have started exploring and learning about 2D Geometry. Over the last few days, we reviewed lines of symmetry and introduced the concept of order of rotational symmetry. Students worked in pairs to discover the number of lines of symmetry for various polygons.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lenten Project

Our Lenten project this year focuses on love and spreading kindness. It revolves around an OCSB theme song "Who Is My Neighbour?" written by one of the teachers in our school board. While students will be encouraged to perform various acts of kindness, as a school we have decided to support the Alhurira Family from Syria. They are being sponsored by the Divine Infant Parish.

Today, students started to prepare their hearts for the Lenten Season by designing personal hearts in an art activity. The entire school will display their hearts in a wall arrangement, which will be featured in a later post. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Hares' Team Cheer


Boys dorm awards

Clean room: Level 4+

Slobby room: No level available

Peace and quiet

A little peace and quiet and some coffee before the Boys Dorm stirs this early morning

Girls Dorm rocks!!!

I had the pleasure of visiting the Girls dorm. Girls just wanna have fun!

Survival skills

The Hares participated in survival skills. We built a fire, cooked bannock and made some cedar tea to deter
that pesky scurvy!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


It was a perfect night for a campfire and some s'mores!

Must share pic



Before every meal, one group is responsible for this song....

List of activities

We are having a great time! We are divided into three groups: the hares, the beavers, and the lynx. Each group will have the opportunity to participate in skating, snowshoeing, music class, survivor education, and low ropes circuit. Last night, we went on a night hike. Students learn about nocturnal animal behavior. Tonight, we will have a campfire. 



Card game


Random pics



Boys Dorm

Good morning!
