Friday, December 11, 2015


"He made out a huge mound of knotted seaweed, this time heaped in a pile the size of a beach hut. Looking closer he saw that it was tangled up with shells, twine, fragments of cork, and crabs' claws, the sort of flotsam and jetsam he loved to trawl through at the tide line. Then the whole mound heaved and shook, and a shower of slugs dropped from its fronds. To Jake's horror a withered finger emerged halfway up the heap. It grew into a gnarled hand that stretched up, parting the seaweed to reveal a small face, white as bone, with hooded yellow eyes and cruel lips. Orcara! Her mess of hair, with matted skullcap of algae, had been extended with lengths of kelp and weed to the floor and threaded with small bones, beads of glass and sea trinkets. It was so long and thick that her body was completely hidden. (...) Orcara lifted the shell to the light and smiled, revealing a solitary tooth - sharp and serrated, like that of a shark." 

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