Friday, December 11, 2015


"He made out a huge mound of knotted seaweed, this time heaped in a pile the size of a beach hut. Looking closer he saw that it was tangled up with shells, twine, fragments of cork, and crabs' claws, the sort of flotsam and jetsam he loved to trawl through at the tide line. Then the whole mound heaved and shook, and a shower of slugs dropped from its fronds. To Jake's horror a withered finger emerged halfway up the heap. It grew into a gnarled hand that stretched up, parting the seaweed to reveal a small face, white as bone, with hooded yellow eyes and cruel lips. Orcara! Her mess of hair, with matted skullcap of algae, had been extended with lengths of kelp and weed to the floor and threaded with small bones, beads of glass and sea trinkets. It was so long and thick that her body was completely hidden. (...) Orcara lifted the shell to the light and smiled, revealing a solitary tooth - sharp and serrated, like that of a shark." 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Hour of Code

Wednesday, December 9th, after the Advent Liturgy, our class will be dedicating the morning to learning about coding. Students can choose to bring their own device to school (BYOD); however, I will have enough Chromebooks for all students. All students need a pair of headphones or earbuds. For more detailed information about Hour of Code, please visit

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Giving Tuesday: Junior students at St. Francis made over 2 000 sandwiches for the Shepherds of Good Hope.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hour of Code

Coding is a creative way for boys and girls to express themselves and discover...

Coming to 6B the week of Decmeber 7-13

Friday, November 20, 2015

Hour of Code....coming soon

An hour of code for every student....For more information, please visit The Hour of Code website.

Week of December 7-13, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day video

We honour our Canadian military and their ongoing sacrifice in this video play adapted from the Veteran Affairs Canada website by the Grade 6 students and teachers. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

We Day

What an inspirational and fun-filled day! We saw many musical acts and heard many dynamic speakers...oh, and Prime Minister Trudeau joined us too! It was his first public appearance since his inauguration.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Design Challenge on Friday, October 23

On Friday, October 23, 5/6A and 6B embarked on a learning discovery. Watch below to see our learning in action....

Monday, October 19, 2015

Harvest Dance videos by Lena and Vanessa

Check out these awesome Powtoon videos. I challenged students to accept an extra task to advertise the St. Francis of Assisi Harvest Dance... They sure rose to the challenge!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

XtraMath Success

Hard work and dedication pay off. We already have 2 students who have mastered their basic addition facts and moved on to conquer subtraction. Keep will all get there if you use your grit!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Amazing artistic talent!

I am thankful that my students share their amazing talents with me. Take the time to peruse Jessica M's acrylic paint creations.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fun day!

It was a fun day filled with learning, beautiful recess weather and a visit from the RedBlacks!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Successful Terry Fox Run/Walk

The Grade 6 students were our leaders to start off our annual Terry Fox Run/Walk. They took responsibility for leading every class. By the end, a few were really tired!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework Excuses!!

We've been writing up some pretty creative excuses about incomplete homework. "The dog ate it" just doesn't cut it anymore. Check out these Powtoon videos students created to animate their best excuse... (there are more on the way)

Descriptive Writing

We are working on improving our writing by using various strategies, such as tapping into our five senses and choosing rich vivid vocabulary (a.k.a. juicy words) to create visualizations. See our palette of colour below...