
Friday, June 17, 2016
1. Video ROPES assignment (see below)
2. Show parents Math quizzes

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
1. Vocabulary List 4 (due Friday)
2. Mathletics 
3. Permission slip (if you've lost yours, click here and print a copy)

Monday, June 13
1. Vocabulary List 4 (due Friday)
2. Mathletics 
3. BYOD tomorrow
4. Permission slip

Thursday, June 9
1. BYOD on Monday for Kahoot!
2. Vocabulary List 3 (extended to Monday)

Wed., June 8
1. Math worksheets
2. Farewell Permission

Thursday, June 2, 2016
1. Junior Track Day on Tuesday, June 7
2. Vocab list 3 due Friday (no Bitstrips)

Monday, May 30
1. EQAO tomorrow (last Language test)

2. Vocab list 3 due Friday (no Bitstrips)
3. Junior Track Day is Tuesday, June 7

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
1. EQAO starts tomorrow
2. Vocab list 2 due Friday
3. Complete the 2 Math pages (interior angles of triangles, identifying triangles)

Friday, May 20
EQAO testing begins next week on Wednesday until the following Thursday. Please be on time every morning and avoid appointments in the morning if possible.

Thursday, May 19

1. Vocabulary List 1 and bitstrips due Friday (see Language Folder...Bitstrips class code is 2015LLO)
2. Math sheets on Volume p.3-4
3. If incomplete: EQAO Practice test on Mathletics (was due Wed)

4. OPTIONAL: Math extra practice below OR challenge following the extra practice:
(regardless of the units they still become cubed even if they are not metric)


Wednesday, May 18

1. Vocabulary List 1 and bitstrips due Friday (see Language Folder...Bitstrips class code is 2015LLO)
2. If incomplete: EQAO Practice test on Mathletics (was due Wed)
3. OPTIONAL: Math extra practice below:

Area of a parallelogram = base x height
(do not confuse height with side length...
height is measured from the base to the opposite parallel line)

Tuesday, May 17
1. EQAO Practice test on Mathletics: due Wed
2. Vocabulary List 1 and bitstrips due Friday (see Language Folder)

3. OPTIONAL: Math extra practice below

Monday, May 16
1. EQAO Practice test on Mathletics: due Wed
2. Vocabulary List 1 and bitstrips due Friday (see Language Folder)
3. Math sheets p. 19, 20, 21
4. Show parents rubrics/evaluations (Math, I Am Canadian)
5. Incomplete homework (parents notified by email)

Friday, May 13
1. EQAO Practice test on Mathletics: due Wed
2. Third page of Math handout: due Monday

Thursday, May 12

1. Due Friday: Check your Language folder for a reading , Nobody Knows the Difference. You may use Read & Write if you want. (You must be logged into Google Chrome in order to use Read & Write.)

2. Math sheets assigned by the guest teacher.

3. Show rubrics/results to parents.

4. Outstanding assignments.

Wednesday, May 11

1. Due Friday: Check your Language folder for a reading assignment. You may use Read & Write if you want. (You must be logged into Google Chrome in order to use Read & Write.)

Tuesday, May 10

1. Permission slip for DI Church and St. Peter HS (if you have lost your sheet, you may print one here) **link is fixed
2. XtraMath
3. RNM x 2.465 

Monday, May 9

1. Permission slip for DI Church and St. Peter HS (if you have lost your sheet, you may print one here)
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics
4. Padlet

Friday, May 6
No homework except permission slip

Thursday, May 5
1. Confirmation Practice at 7pm
2. Poetry book online
3. Outstanding Homework

Wednesday, May 4
****Confirmation practice tomorrow at 7pm at DI Church****

1. Students who were unable to record their answer to Walking Sticks must submit it in writing. You can write it on a piece of paper or in your language folder.

2. Poetry Book online due Friday (consult Poetry Book in your Drive)

3. Outstanding homework (Readings, I Am Canadian slide deck)

Tuesday, May 3
1. Costume for Musical Theatre for tomorrow

2. Check your Language folder in your drive for a document entitled Walking Sticks Questions. Follow the instructions to answer ONE question using a voice note with Read & Write. 
****Make sure you use Google Chrome and log into your ocsbstudent account.**** 

3. Readings (Fencing, The Discombobulator) due tomorrow 
(handed out last week)

4. Poetry Book online due Friday (consult Poetry Book in your Drive)

*** Could the following students place their "I Am Canadian" slideshow in their Language Folder, please?***

William     Brayden         Diego          Cassandra        Meghan
Reagan      Cameron        Bruno         Carter              Leyla

Monday, May 2
1. I Am Canadian Slide Deck (due tomorrow)
2. Grade 6 - 5 Strand Review due May 3
3. Readings (Fencing, The Discombobulator) due May 4
4. Poetry Book online due Friday (consult Poetry Book in your Drive)

Friday, April 29
1. Return the slip for Hands On Tech (Tues. 4:30-5:30) if your parents are attending (flyer went home on Thurs)
2. If possible, invite your grandparents to come for Friday's PJ Day (11:00). We will be showing grandparents the technology we use in class.
3. I Am Canadian Slide Deck (due Monday, May 2)
4. Grade 6 - 5 Strand Review due May 3

5. Readings (Fencing, The Discombobulator) due May 4 

Thursday, April 28
1. I Am Canadian Slide Deck (due Monday, May 2)
2. Grade 6 - 5 Strand Review due May 3

3. Readings (Fencing, The Discombobulator) due May 4 

Wednesday, April 27
1. Confirmation meeting tonight (7pm)
2. Parent signature on Reading Assessment Rubric (4 readings)
3. Grade 6 - 5 Strand Review due May 3
4. Readings (Fencing, The Discombobulator) due May 4 
5. Any outstanding Math homework that was not submitted (Linear Measurement, Multiplying Decimals, 5 Strand reviews)
6. Any outstanding Reading homework that was not submitted (Juggling, Carousel, Husky, Maple Syrup)

Tuesday, April 26
1. Confirmation: Some students need to submit their Confirmation Sponsor Form. There is a meeting tomorrow night at 7pm at Divine Infant Church for Confession.
2. Religion Handout: Reflect and prepare for tomorrow night
3. Grade 6 - 5 Strand Review (handed out last Friday, due tomorrow)
4. Parent Signature on all Math quizzes
5. RNM x 0.159
6. Any outstanding Math homework that was not submitted (Linear Measurement and Multiplying Decimals)

Thursday, April 21
1. RNM 8.274 x 250-259
2. Math: 5 strand review (2nd handout)
3. Non fiction book
4. Return photo proofs

Wednesday, April 20
1. RNM 0.472 x 310-319 (like yesterday)
2. Math: 5 strand review (new handout) due Friday
3. I Am Canadian Poem (tomorrow)
4. Return photo proofs
5. Non fiction book for Friday 

Tuesday, April 19
1. Math: 5 strand review from yesterday if incomplete
2. RNM  3.57 x 230-239 .... See examples below:

3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57
    x 230     x 231     x 232      x 233

3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57
    x 234     x 235     x 236      x 237

Monday, April 18
1. Math: 5 strand review handout
2. Choose a nonfiction book to read in class for Friday
3. RNM (20s) x 5.9

Thursday, April 14
No homework....have a good long sunny weekend!

Wednesday, April 13
1. RNM division 0.3986
2. Poetry pages (Princess Penelope) and any other incomplete pages

Tuesday, April 12
1. RNM 42.38 division
2. XtraMath
3. Poetry (incomplete)
4. PD Day on Friday

Monday, April 11
1. Poetry
2. Friday is a PD day
3. Digital picture (if not submitted)
4. Optional RNM x 325

Friday, April 8: Have a good weekend :)

Thursday, April 7
1. RNM divide 123.4

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
1. RNM  divide 3.45
2. XtraMath

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

1. RNM    divide by 7.3
2. 3 limericks
3. photo (3-5 yrs. old)

Mon., April 4, 2016

1. RNM  7.452
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics
4. Poems (due last week)

Thurs., March 31
1. RNM   750.34
2. 3 poems each of Subject and Concrete
3. XtraMath
4. picture 3-5 yrs. old
5. Parent Handout (summer camps)

Wed, March 30
1. RNM  76.406
2. Transformation strip (see examples below)
3. Mathletics Live
4. Digital picture (3-5 yrs old)

Tues., March 29
1. Poem sheets
2. RNM 76.84
3. XtraMath
4. Digital picture of you when you were about 3-5 years old (email to Mrs. Lloyd)

Wed, March 23
1. Chores for change
2. XtraMath
3. Milestone pictures (formerly leavetaking pictures): Tuesday, March 29th
4. Padlet

Tuesday, March 22
1. Chores for Change
2. Mathletics
3. RNM     36.14 (thirty-six and fourteen-hundredths)
4. Bring 2 plastic cups for our bottled vs tap water test
5. Optional: Xtramath and RazKids

Monday, March 21
1. Chores for Change
2. RNM  567.9  (five hundred and sixty-seven and nine-tenths)
3. Math page 88-89

No Homework during the break unless you have not finished your camping paragraphs and your 12 poems

Thurs., March 10, 2016
1. Chores
2. RNM 2 541
3. Poetry (3 of each type haiku, cinquain, diamante, clerihew)
4. XtraMath
Make sure your Winter Camping document is in your Language folder: Ashlyn, Brayden, Cassandra, Brooklyn, Lena, Melanie, Reagan, Owen, Bruno, Leyla, William, Diego, Ryan, Nathaniel, Carter, Cameron, Tiana

Wed., March 9, 2016
1. Chores
2. Dance-athon tomorrow
3. RNM 592
4. Mathletics Live
5. Memorize lyrics

Tues, March 8, 2016
1. Chores
2. Dance-athon $
3. Math sheets (2 rotation, 2 translation)
4. Start learning the words for Pinball Wizard

Pinball Wizard
Ever since I was a young boy, I've played the silver ball.
From Soho down to Brighton, I must have played them all.
But I ain't seen nothing like him In any amusement hall...
That deaf mute and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pin ball !
He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine.
Feeling all the bumpers, always playing clean.
He plays by intuition, the digit counters fall.
That deaf mute and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pin ball !
He's a pin ball wizard, there has to be a twist.
A pin ball wizard, s'got such a supple wrist.
'How do you think he does it? I don't know!
What makes him so good?'

Ain't got no distractions, can't hear those buzzers and bells,
Don't see no lights a flashin', plays by sense of smell.
Always gets the replay, 'n' never tilts at all...
That deaf mute and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pin ball.
Even on my favorite table, he can beat my best
His disciples lead him in, and he just does the rest
He’s got crazy flipper fingers, never seen him fall
That deaf mute and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
I thought I was the Bally table king.
But I just handed my pin ball crown to him.


Mon., March 7, 2016
1. Chores
2. Mathletics Live (20 min)
3. XtraMath

Fri., March 4, 2016
1. Chores 
2. Winter Camping paragraphs due Monday

Thurs., March 3, 2016
1. Chores
2. Bingo game Friday: bring $2 (support the Alhurira Family)
3. Winter Camping paragraphs due Monday
4. Raz-kids (dlloyd5)
5. Mathletics

Wed., March 2, 2016
1. Chores
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics

Tues., March 1, 2016
1. Chores
2. Saint project info
3. Practice all 10 rotation questions here
4. Practice all 10 reflection questions here
5. Practice all 10 translation questions here

The homework is posted in advance until Monday, as I am away on a course for 3 days....Please scroll down to the appropriate date. 

Mon., Feb 29, 2016
1. Chores
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics

Fri., Feb 26, 2016
1. Chores

Thurs, Feb 25, 2016
1. Chores
2. Math: Complete p. 77-78 (started in class)
3. Make a card for Nevaeh (started in class)

Wed., Feb 24, 2016
1. Raz-Kids (Teacher username is dlloyd5)
2. Chores

Tues., Feb 23, 2016
1. Chores
2. Dance-athon letter
3. Padlet       

4. Students who did not complete their letter to the Alhurira Family need to submit it tomorrow.

Monday, Feb. 22, 2016
1. Chores
2. Letter or card to welcome the Alhurira Family (Adham (father), Sawsan (mother), Carol (daughter-15), Shoukri (son-12), Karen (daughter -8) and Anji (daughter- 4)
3. XtraMath

Friday, Feb 19, 2016

Thursday, Feb 18, 2016
1. XtraMath
2. Mathletics
3. Lenten Chores (see yellow handout)
4. French Pathway sheet and Report Card envelope/slip
5. Shoes (brought home due to camping trip)
6. Book Fair tomorrow (bring $)

Monday, Feb 8, 2016
No homework....start packing for Winter Camping
Tomorrow's homework is: 1. XtraMath  2. Padlet

Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016
1. Mathletics
2. XtraMath
3. Padlet

Wednesday: Snow Day

Tuesday, Feb 2, 2016
Mathletics and/or XtraMath for those who didn't complete yesterday

Monday, Feb 1, 2016
1. Digital Book Club revisions (email your teacher by 8pm if you made changes that you want reflected in your mark)
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics
4. Parent Note (blue concussion form)

Friday, Jan 29, 2016

1. Parent signatures: Blue note, Book Club rubric, Xmas Interview rubric, Math test

Thursday, Jan 28, 2016
1. Digital Book Report (due Fri. no later)
2. Coding (BYOD optional)
3. Parent note (blue)

Wed, Jan. 27, 2016
1. Mathletics
2. Digital Book Report (Friday)

Monday, Jan 25, 2016

  1. Mathletics
  2. XtraMath
  3. Coding on Friday (you may BYOD)

Thurs, Jan 21, 2016

No Homework...Enjoy your weekend!
Optional: XtraMath, Mathletics, Spellodrome

Wed., Jan 20, 2016
1. Skates and helmet
2. Oral presentations (those who did not present Wed)
3. Math handout 
4. XtraMath

Mon, Jan 18, 2016
1. Christmas Holidays Interview presentations: Wed-Thurs (There will not be any additional time spent writing/practicing in class. I will not be collecting a good copy of your text but your rough copy will be evaluated. This also an Oral Communication mark. Check your drive to see the rubric.)
2. XtraMath
3. Skating (Thurs)
4. Pay Mask making

Friday, Jan 15, 2016
1. Christmas Holidays Interview presentations: Wed-Thurs (There will not be any additional time spent writing/practicing in class. I will not be collecting a good copy of your text but your rough copy will be evaluated. This also an Oral Communication mark. Check your drive to see the rubric.)
2. Optional: XtraMath/Mathletics Live

Thurs, Jan 14, 2016
1. Pay for Rag and Bone Puppet Making at Cashonline
2. XtraMath
3. Mathletics

Wed, Jan 13, 2016
1. Pay for Rag and Bone Puppet Making at Cashonline
2. Padlet
3. XtraMath
4. Divide:   a) 5/6430    b) 2/9523     c) 7/2548 
You choose the method (long or new)
5. Incomplete Mathletics

Tues., Jan 12, 2016
1. XtraMath
2. Mathletics

Mon, Jan. 11, 2016
1. Skating permission form deadline tomorrow
2. Complete the following long divisions:
a) 7/3685      b) 5/7995     c) 8/2904     d) 6/3333    e) 2/4970

Fri, Jan 8, 2016
1. Skating permission due no later than Monday
2. Incomplete homework (summaries)

Thurs, Jan 7, 2016
1. Skating permission
2. Incomplete homework (mathletics, XtaMath, summaries)

Wed, January 6, 2015
1. Mathletics
2. Permission slip

Tuesday, January 5, 2016
1. Write Interview questions 
2. Bring in book and summaries (Book Club)

Monday, January 4, 2016
1. XtraMath
2. New Year, New Me mobile 
(only colouring and writing)

Friday, Dec 18
Merry Christmas... Peace, joy and love!

Thursday, Dec 17
1. Book Club
2. Fraction websites optional

3. Secret Santa
4. Sign Evaluation duotang
5. PJ Day, bring snacks if you want

Wednesday, Dec 16
1. Mathletics for those who didn't complete it yesterday
2. Book Club - Friday
3. Secret Santa- Friday
4. PJ Day Friday

Monday, Dec 14
1. Secret Santa (Fri $5 limit)
2. Book Club Tues
3. XtraMath

Friday, Dec 11
1. Book club Tues. 
2. Math quiz (angles, + & - fractions) Mon 
3. Angle practice game (optional)
4. Extra Innovation: draw Orcara based on the description on the landing page of the blog.

Wednesday, Dec 9
1. Book Club, Section 2 for Friday
2. Christmas Store tomorrow
3. Canned Food drive
4. Mathletics for those who didn't complete it yesterday

Tuesday, Dec 8
1. Hour of Code: headphones, BYOD (optional)
2. Mathletics
3. Book Club, Section 2 + summary (Fri)
4. canned food
5. Winter camping permission due tomorrow

Monday, Dec 7
1. Read section 1 (Tues)
2. $5 Summary (Tues)
3. Canned food drive

4. Winter Camping Permission
5. Mathletics (Wed) 

Friday, Dec 4
1. Read section 1 (Tues)
2. $5 Summary (Tues)

3. Canned food drive
4. Winter Camping Permission 

Thursday, Dec 3
1. Read section 1 (Tues)
2. $5 Summary (Tues)
3. Canned food drive
4. XtraMath
5. Fully Alive Interview

Wednesday, December 2
1. Read section 1 (Tues)
2. $5 Summary (Tues)
3. Canned food drive
4. Sign rubrics

Tuesday, December 1
1. Read section 1 (Tues)
2. $5 Summary (Tues)
3. Canned food drive

Monday, November 30, 2015
1. Fully Alive: Interview due Dec. 4
2. Deli meat
3. Math worksheet (2 step word problems)

Friday, November 27, 2015
1. Fully Alive: Interview due Dec. 4

Thursday, November 26, 2015
1. Note about sandwiches
2. Disaster: $2 Summary and ROPES
3. IFF
4. Bitstrips resubmission (optional)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
1. XtraMath
2. IFF slide deck due Friday
3. Students who want to resubmit their bitstrips can do so no later than Friday

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
1. "Ketchup" night

Monday, November 23, 2015
1. Safe as Houses summary
2. Math handout (1st side only)
3. XtraMath

Hour of Code....coming soon to a classroom near you!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
1. Safe as Houses Summary Tues
2. Math 2 step problems (Mon)
3. $2 summary (Mon)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
1. Hat/Jersey Day tomorrow ($2)
2. Mathletics
3. Safe As Houses Summary (Tues., Nov. 24)
4. Two-step math problems (Monday)
5. Which is larger 1/3 or 3/8?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
1. Mathletics
2. Safe As Houses (Tues., Nov. 24)
3. Padlet
4. Camping form

Monday, November 16, 2015
1. Mathletics
2. Bitstrips (Safe as Houses)

Friday, November 13, 2015
1. Confirmation meeting Sat.
2. Parent letter: Winter Camping
3. Biststrips-Tues.
4. Optional extra practice with multi-step math problems here

Thursday, November 12, 2015
1. Math handout (both sides)
2. ROPES (cats or dogs) 
3. Bitstrips (Safe as Houses) due Tuesday

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
1. Friendly letter (Google drive, LAN folder)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
1. Friendly letter (Google drive, LAN folder) due Thursday
2. XtraMath

 Monday, November 9, 2015

1. WE Day preparation: bagged lunch ($ optional), bracelet on your wrist, no backpacks, arrive for 7:15 departure

2. Friendly letter (due Wed.) in Goggle drive

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
1. Math p. 76 #5 (see below)
2. Test Yourself: Math sheet
3. Math test Friday
4. Beatitudes (Fri)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

1. WE Day email (debbie.lloyd@ocsb.ca)
2. Math scatter plot (see picture below)
3. Beatitudes (Friday)

Monday, November 2, 2015

  1. Email for WE Day (debbie.lloyd@ocsb.ca) due Wed (see picture following #6)
  2. Mathletics
  3. XtraMath
  4. Beatitudes (due Friday, Nov. 6)
  5. Remembrance Day video (clothing for Tuesday)
  6. Confirmation meeting: Sat, Nov 14, 10:00am

Thursday, October 29, 2015
1. Good copy "Happy Place" due Oct. 30 on Google docs. 
(If you know how to, place the document in your Language folder).
2. Bitstrips: Introduce Yourself due Monday Nov1
3. Orange and Black Day on Friday 
4. Optional: XtraMath and/or Mathletics
****We achieved our "Pompom" goal so we are celebrating tomorrow. Students can bring in board games, snacks and pop. We have worked hard on our larning skills this month.****

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1. Mathletics
2. Terry Fox Year to Date Graph
3. Symphony tomorrow
4. Good copy "Happy Place" due Oct. 30 on Google docs. 
(If you know how to, place the document in your Language folder).
5. Bitstrips: Introduce Yourself due Monday Nov1
6. Orange and Black Day on Friday 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

1. Good copy "Happy Place" due Oct. 30 on Google docs. 
(If you know how to, place the document in your Language folder).
2. Math sheet (stem and leaf)
3. Mathletics and XtraMath only for those who didn't complete their homework yesterday.
4. Bitstrips: Introduce Yourself due Monday Nov1
5. Orange and Black Day on Friday 

Monday, October 26, 2015
1. Good copy "Happy Place" due next Friday on Google docs
2. Lantern Art due tomorrow
3. XtraMath
4. Mathletics
5. Bitstrips: Introduce Yourself due Friday

Friday, Oct 23, 2015
1. Good copy "Happy Place" due next Friday on Google docs

Thurs, Oct 22, 2015
1. Mathletics
2. Padlet
3. Good copy of "Happy Place" on google 
     docs due next Friday, Oct. 30th
4. Permission form (symphony)

Wed., Oct. 21, 2015

1. Math sheet p. 26
2. Permission slip

Tues., October 20, 2015

1. Mathletics
2. Challenge: Harvest Dance Powtoon
3. Padlet

Mon, October 19, 2015
1. XtraMath
2. Photo orders are due tomorrow
3. Photo retakes are tomorrow

Fri, October 16, 2015

No homework except if you've decided to accept the Powtoon challenge. I will extend the deadline to Wednesday for those who need it. See below for the instructions...

Thurs, October 15, 2015
1. Math sheet (mean and median)
2. Final Extension for WW rough copy
3. Extra Challenge due Monday (optional): Design a Powtoon to advertize our Harvest Dance. This will be added to our blog and school website. 

Details are:
Friday, Oct. 30 from 6-8pm, cost $3/person or $10/family
Activities- costumes, DJ, Cake Walk, Haunted House, Hot Pumpkin for the little ones, goodie bags, Guessing Jars (filled with candy)
Food- Pizza, pop, water, juice, baked treats

**** Remember to share it with me on Powtoon.*****

Wed, October 14, 2015
1. XtraMath
2. WW Rough copy: Favourite Place

Tues, October 13, 2015
1. XtraMath
2. Padlet

October 8, 2015
1. Permission slip for Y Academy (due Wed)
2. Photos sent home
3. Be thankful for all you have this Thanksgiving weekend :)
4. Pizza Orders extended to Tuesday

October 7, 2015
1. XtraMath
2. Padlet
3. Pizza Orders due Thursday latest

October 6, 2015
1. Daily Stats
2. XtraMath

Students present
Mean average





October 5, 2015

1. Toonies for Terry 
(Terry Fox tomorrow: make sure you submitted your permission form)
2. Padlet
3. XtraMath

October 2, 2015
1. XtraMath (for those who did not complete it Thursday)

October 1, 2015

1. XtraMath

September 29, 2015

1. XtraMath

September 28, 2015

1. Math
2. Padlet
3. Toonies for Terry (rescheduled to Oct. 6)
4. Edmodo: Safe as Houses quiz
- For students who already created their Edmodo profile click here and type in your username and password.
- For students who have not created their profile click here.  (Use your student email (firstname.lastname@ocsbstudent.ca) and write down your password in your agenda.)

September 25, 2015
1. Powtoon due Monday
2. Terry Fox Walk Permission

September 24, 2015

1. Powtoon due Monday
2. XtraMath
3. T-Shirt Friday

September 23, 2015
1. Powtoon due Monday
2. Confirmation letter
3. T-Shirt (Rel) Friday
4. XtraMath

September 22, 2015

1. Math sheet
2. Write survey question
3. XtraMath
4. Curriculum Night, Thursday 6:30 pm

September 21, 2015

1. Note
2. XtraMath

September 18, 2015

1. Incomplete puzzle piece
2. Sign Math Quiz
3. Picture Day: Sept 22

September 17:

  1. Puzzle Piece (tomorrow)
  2. XtraMath

September 16:

  1. Puzzle Piece (Friday)
  2. XtraMath
  3. Powtoon tutorials (for those who require additional practice)

- How to Use Powtoon
- How To Create Your First Powtoon
- Powtoon Tips: Animation/Design

September 15:

1. Puzzle piece due Friday
2. Math sheet (mean average)
3. Religion: Life-giving love

September 14:

1. Bump up your Top 5 excuses
2. Puzzle piece due Friday
3. XtraMath- placement test
Click Here and use the name and code I gave you in class. Use my email (debbie.lloyd@ocsb.ca
4. Complete this PADLET.
5. Make sure your Powtoons account is activated here.

September 11:
We had such a busy morning with our Team Building activity that we ran late and didn't write in the agenda.

1. Any incomplete homework from the previous days 
- Top 5 reasons for incomplete homework
- logging into Powtoons, completing the Edmodo survey
- Number Stories
- Parent signatures on forms

2. Religion: Art activity

September 10:

1. No Homework reasons, draft

2. Set up Powtoons here

****Works best on a computer...The easiest way is to be signed into your school google account (go to google and click the blue Sign In button), click on the Powtoons link above, and click on the G+ symbol. You have to use the link to be part of my class. Membership is immediate so feel free to explore and discover Powtoons.****

September 9:

1. Number Story

2. Parent Forms
- Purple form
Blog Permission form (yesterday)
- Student Information Verification sheet (yesterday)

3. Edmodo surveys
For students who already created their profile click here and type in your username and password.
For students who have not created their profile click here

September 8:

1. Set up Edmodo (click on the word)

- Use your student email (firstname.lastname@ocsbstudent.ca) and write down your password in your agenda.

2. Write a Padlet reply (click on the word or scan this QR code) 

3. Parent signature on forms
- Blog Permission form
- Student Information Verification sheet