Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework Excuses!!

We've been writing up some pretty creative excuses about incomplete homework. "The dog ate it" just doesn't cut it anymore. Check out these Powtoon videos students created to animate their best excuse... (there are more on the way)

Descriptive Writing

We are working on improving our writing by using various strategies, such as tapping into our five senses and choosing rich vivid vocabulary (a.k.a. juicy words) to create visualizations. See our palette of colour below...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Welcome William

We are so excited to welcome our new student, William. He recently moved into our community from Alberta. William is a great asset to our class. He and friends Zavin, Finn, Hugh, Gage, and Leyla found an interesting creature at recess, a praying mantis.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 2

We had a busy week and we are well on our way to establishing our routines and fine-tuning our learning skills. 
The Grade 6 students were amazing leaders during our first fire drill as they served as role models of the perfect behaviour! So proud of my students!
In Math, we are reviewing various aspects of the Data Management strand such as how to determine mean average and plot data in various graphs.
In Language, we have written up 5 extremely creative excuses for not completing homework. Students are now creating a mini animated presentation in Powtoon of their best excuse. This will be compiled into a class video, which will be posted at a later date. We are also exploring descriptive language, in particular "Juicy Words" a.k.a. vivid synonyms. Here they are hard at work in a fun synonym hunt which involved brain power, the thesaurus and an iPad.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Team Building Activity

On Friday, Mrs. Bennett's and Mrs. Lloyd's classes got together in the Learning Commons for a team building challenge. After watching a video about teamwork, we had a discussion about what makes a team successful. Here are some of the ideas we came up with:

Watch the video to see how it went.... 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We've got GRIT!

After viewing a video about achieving success (click here for video) , we chatted about how 6B has grit, which happens to be a combination of persistence and resilience. Here they are brainstorming ideas on what that means to us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stellar First Day!

What a busy day we had! It was so nice to see all the smiling faces this morning. Many students have grown so much in just a few short months. While our morning was mostly filled with establishing routines and reviewing school rules, tomorrow will bring about a few more activities to launch off our learning.